Thursday, November 16, 2006

Felted Clog Slippers

Here is slipper number 1, pre-felting. I can't stop laughing at how huge it is! Fee-Fi-Fo Fum! Slippers for giants! My foot isn't even all the way back to the heel and it just dwarfs my 'not so small' size 8.5 feet. Too funny and I can't wait to see how this felting thing works, so it's off to knit up the second one and to the washer and we'll see how they turn out :)


TracyKM said...

Is that the Fiber Trends clog pattern? I liked the Fuzzy Feet I hk last year, but they didn't last on my carpeted floors. Can't wait to see what they look like felted!

Clarisse said...

Yup, and it's a really interesting and fun pattern to knit. I'm fairly excited about getting them done so I can see how they turn out too :)