Monday, December 11, 2006

WOW!!! Felted Clogs

I finished them, the felted clog slippers, and they are wonderful! These were hand knit from the Fiber Trends Clog Slippers pattern using Knit Picks Wool of the Andes yarn. I knew it must work, but since this was my first felting experience, and the knitted project was sooo floppy and loose, I had my doubts and just look at them!!! I love this!!! I made the large women's size, just because I didn't know how it was going to work out, and they actually are a large women's size which means they are too big for me but they'll fit my daughter in law, she wears size 9 and 10's, so they should be perfect for her. It's a good thing they don't fit me, I think I would have had a hard time parting with them otherwise. :)


Roz said...

I love your clogs. Which pattern did you use? When I made some the first pair turned out too small and the second pair too large. I wore the large ones anyway because I loved them. (I used Fibertrends pattern and HK'd them).


Anonymous said...

Dang, those look great!
You must be a member of the Bad Influence society because I immediately ran off & bought the pattern. :-)

Anonymous said...

Good job, Clarisse! (Now make a pair for yourself. I LOVE mine.)

Anonymous said...

i am knitting clogs and having problems with getting the second bottom on. always wind up with to many stitches. can i just sew up and forget about the bottom piece?

Clarisse said...

Hi, I don't have your email to send you an answer to your question, so I'll post it here :)

Yes, you can leave it with just one sole, but the double sole is so cushy and really makes a huge difference in comfort. If it were me, and no matter how many times I knit the pattern I was off on the number of stitches, I would just decrease on the next row so I had the right amount of stitches. I haven't had that particular problem, but I'm very careful to count my stitches as I follow the pattern. I've ripped out and started over enough times to have learned that it's a must do to stay on track with all that increasing and decreasing to form the slipper, it's really easy to lose count.

Anonymous said...

I decided a while back that I am not making another pair. To much counting and wonder if there isnt a mistake in the pattern.