Wednesday, May 24, 2006

To Finish this Week!

Did I mention that I must be ADD? I admit it, I get bored too easily and I have absolutely no self disipline. My mood dictates what I do at any given moment and I have a gazillion UFO's around the house. These 3 I have picked to finish up this week.

The top 2 are dog sweaters, I'm excited about the furry one, I bought the pattern from the Lion Brand yarn website because I just had to make it. I've always felt sorry for those little dogs getting all shaved and I just think that having their own little fur coat will help them keep some of their dignity, while being all neatly groomed. My cousin Jan (it wasn't meningitis afterall, it was Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever! She has a dog grooming business and like everything worth while, there are risks, but she is doing great now). Anyway, she mentioned that she gets requests for dog sweaters so I am working on some ideas for that and decided the faux fur was a must. I'll be trying out some of the other colored furry yarns too. What Fun!

The socks are almost done. I've had to put them down several times, because of being too nit picky about them matching up. I was on a mission and this may be the only time I bother, what a lot of tinking, but guess what? They are identical!!! I'm at the final toe decreases and it looks like I will have finally succeeded with my identical twins. Yippee!!! I'll post a better picture when they are done so I can brag about their perfection, right! ROFLMAO!!!

1 comment:

diosaperdida said...

I have found that some brands of self patterning yarn are far easier to match than others...I dont care much about matching since my kids are going to toss them under the bed within a few days anyway.
I should knit up some doggie sweaters...there is a fancy dog specialty store close to me.
As for your knitting/project style...mine is the same. My husband is a knitter too..and he does one project at a time. That would drive me nuts.
I generally swatch for several one week, knit them over a couple of months, and finish over a week.
Some organization I guess...but I dont get bored.
That's not to say I'm not constantly starting something new.