Monday, March 12, 2007


This is where I started. I was very optimistic since one big hole seamed like an easy adjustment to fix....
and this is where I've stopped...

Don't get me wrong, I still absolutely love my Toyota machines, the pros definitely outweigh the cons, I just had such high hopes for this particular function of it and it hasn't gone my way, yet. Yes, I will try again. Some other day when I'm in the mood for some more self loathing and torture. These were done on my KS950 with my KR505 ribber. The long strip with the varigated looking band of ribbing will be the hat. It's a little short so I may have to put it back on the machine, but it will be one solid color of plain dark green.

These are the pieces that I figured I could go ahead and share with the world. The wadded up mess of yarn is representative of about 4 other attempts. I finally quit trying to save the yarn and tossed the other disasters.
HOWEVER... See how the back turns out in comparison to fair isle with floats? This is why I will try this again and I am bound and determined to make it work right. Well, that is unless my White doublebed does doublejacquard or at least a version of floatless fair isle, which I'm pretty sure it does. In that case, I will let this be another lesson and excuse for owning and using so many different knitting machines :)

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