Friday, March 02, 2007

Rasta Hat from Knitty Gritty Show

This is the pattern that was demonstrated on the HGTV/DIY knitting show, Knitty Gritty. It really turned out nice and it was fun to knit. I used Lion Brand Wool-Ease worsted weight and it turned out a little too big, so the next one will be done on smaller needles. Years ago, I had crocheted a snood to hold my hair back, well, E.J. confiscated it and wore it all the time, it was like this but in a mesh and no visor/brim. Now he wants me to make another snood, but with the visor like this one has. I actually think I can pull it off. He'll look silly as ever, but his hair will be out of the wind since he's decided to be a long hair again :)


TracyKM said...

Did you do it on your machines or handknit? It's a funky looking hat! Not quite my style, but it's always good to have a variety in the box, LOL. Is the pattern on the Knitty Gritty website....I delete all the discussions with that in the title as we don't get the show :(

Clarisse said...

Hi Tracy, yes it's on the Knitty Gritty website. It's a hand knit, in the round, too much decreasing and increasing for the machines :) I think I probably answered these questions when you posted, but thought it might be nice to have them here in case someone else was wondering :)

Clarisse >^..^<

beachybean said...

where can I get this pattern?