Tuesday, March 28, 2006

1st Double Bed Machine Knit Sock!

Hurray! I finally did it! I bought this wonderful double bed knitting machine by White a couple of years ago and I hate to admit it, but it intimidated me alot and I have only been able to bring myself to make swatches on it. That is until this afternoon. The manual had the pattern for this little sock so I bit the bullet and just did it and it worked! I am soooo happy!

The baby fingering yarn I used had a little trouble with the short rows and the toe decreases though. The yarn snapped in a couple of places and I didn't know it until after I was done. I'm not sure if I need to make my tension looser or just what the issue was for that, I'll have to jump on one of the machine knit groups and tap into some of the incredible experience out there and see if they can help. All in all, it's a very positive experience and I can see myself knitting the ribbing on the machine, switch to hand knit for the heel, put back on the machine for the foot and then finish the toe by hand. That would knock alot of the time out of it now wouldn't it? And talk about the best of both worlds! This is true luxury, crank out in a hurry when necessary and the zen feeling of hand knitting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well done. i have had KM's for 25 years and have never knitted a sock on any of them!