Thursday, January 01, 2009

Selene and Great Grandma

And this is what it's all about! My mother and my granddaughter, this is love :) Yes I knit the blanket :)


Anonymous said...

I am looking for help on a singer lk100 machine I have and have not used in many years. When I pass the carriage over the needles in B, C, or D position the get hung up on the black v shaped plastic under the carriage. I have oiled the carriage and checked the flow many times. Any suggestions.

Clarisse said...

Hi Dennise, I'm sorry this is such a late response, I don't have your email address to respond and I thought you might write again. Have you replaced your sponge strip? The sponge holds the needles down against the needlebed so they can grab the yarn properly and it sounds like maybe your needles are loose and lifting up into the carriage. Most problems with any machine seems to center around sponge strips and sponge bars (they rot with age) so I would start there, they are less than 10 dollars from most any Silver Reed machine dealer, the LK150 sponge strip will work perfectly for the LK100 :)